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Job Description The USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy was founded in 1945. Since its inception, USC has been a pioneer of the physical therapy profession and a leader in both physical therapy research and education. Currently ranked as the #1 program in the nation by US News & World Report, the USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy continues to be a prestigious center of excellence for the clinical practice, education, and research of physical therapy. With physical therapy becoming one of the fastest growing medical professions, the Division understands how important it is to be on the forefront of innovative knowledge, research, and experience. The USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy is looking for a talented Patient Services Specialist to join its team. With excellent benefits including tuition assistance, USC is the place for you! If you are a candidate who has great customer service, able to manage multiple tasks and is excited about working in a healthcare environment, this is the position for you. A team player is definitely needed to fit the role when handling day to day tasks. Job Accountabilities: Performs a variety of administrative duties in a clinic or practice. Provides assistance to patients and to management. Some responsibilities may include but are not limited to: Greets patients and determines nature of visit. R e g i s te r s n e w p a t i e n t s a n d a ss i g ns p a t i e nt ID. C o ll e c t s p a tien t i n f o r m a t i o n, c o -p a y m e n t , pa t i e nt a cc o u n t balan c e, a nd ve r i f i es i n s ur a n c e el i g i b ili ty a n d c o v er a ge l e v e l f or n e w a nd re tu r n i ng p a t i e n t s . S c an s ID, i n s ur a nce c a r d s a nd c o ll e c t s a l l re q ui r e d f or m s . Al e r t s p ract i t i o n ers o f p a t i e n t ‘s a rr i v al . S c r e e n s a n d p r i or i ti z e s i n c o m i ng c a ll s , d e t er m i n i n g w ha t c on t a c t or a c tio n i s re q ui r e d f or s a t i sf a c t o ry di s po s i tion . R e s p o n ds t o i n q ui r ie s o r r e q u e s ts f or i nfor m a t i o n o r r e f e r s t o a s u p e r v i s o r, a s a p p ro p r iat e. R e c e iv es a nd t r an s m i t s m essa g e s , a s a p p r op r i at e. S c h e d ule s a nd c o n f i r m s ap p oi n t m e n t s a n d f o ll o w -u p s . In f o r m s p a t i e nt of p r e – a u th or i z a t i o n c o m po n e n t s n e e d ed f o r t re a t m en t, diag n o s t i c t e s t i n g , e t c . P r o v ide s c a l le rs wi t h a p p ro p r i a t e i n f o r m ation , a s n e e d e d. P re p a r e s a nd pr i n t s w e l c o m e , r e f e rra l , d i s m i ss al , a nd o th er g e n er a l c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , w ith i n e s t a bl i s he d g u i d e li n es. Ge n e r at es an d i ss u es dai l y a p p o i nt m e nt sc he d ul er s u m m ary o f n e x t d ay a n d s tat us o f p e n d i n g a p p oint m en ts. U p d a t es patient m a n a g e m e nt s y s t em wi t h s p e ci f i c p a tien t n o te s , a m o u n ts d u e u p o n c o nf i r m a t i o n c a ll , c he c k – i n , et c . En s u res c o m p l e te n o t es o f a l l p a t i e nt c o n ta c t s are e n te r e d i n patient m a n a g e m e n t s y s te m . Provides administrative support to supervisory and management staff. Preferred Qualifications: Preferred Education: Associate’s degree Preferred Experience: 3 years Preferred Field of Expertise: Working knowledge of patient insurance management systems. Experience in patient-facing healthcare environment. Experience in physical therapy clinic. Skills: Administrative: Answer telephones Assemble and organize numerical data Balance figures Clinical documentation Communicate with others to gather information Compute totals Customer service Establish filing systems Gather data Maintain filing systems Prioritize different projects Read handwritten text Schedule appointments Understand and apply policies and procedures Use database and/or word processing software Verify calculations The hourly rate range for this position is $19.50 – $22.20 . When extending an offer of employment, the University of Southern California considers factors such as (but not limited to) the scope and responsibilities of the position, the candidates work experience, education/training, key skills, internal peer equity, federal, state, and local laws, contractual stipulations, grant funding, as well as external market and organizational considerations. Minimum Education: High school or equivalentMinimum Experience: 2 yearsMinimum Field of Expertise: Experience working in a healthcare environment. Working knowledge of HIPAA compliance and insurance terminology. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal customer service and telephone skills. Demonstrated ability to multi-task. Demonstrated experience in a high volume, fast paced environment. Demonstrated team-oriented and collaborative work style.

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